:: The Glass Cross...Shattered ::

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:: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 ::

Reasons And Lies

Why couldn't you stay
I hung on as long as i could
Countless days i waited ..nothing
Never needed anything....Now I'm gone

Reasons i never made for sure
Lies i told you to ease the pain
Nothing i ever did was for us
I am the one who walked away

Believe in me i always said
Need me to be your hero
I am the only way
This cast off skin....I burn

Only to show my true form
Risen again to lie to you
To hate you
From the cradle to the grave....back again

The book i wrote
The blood of the prophets
And the virgin flesh
Bound with lies

Put all you faith in me
I will never let you down
Cure your illness
Break your spine

Gone are the days of old
resurrect the demons
Blind the leper
Falling from the heavens....Like the brimstone that burns the soul

Goodnight and dream well
For this is the last time
You never needed me
Forsaken for eternity

I will never forgive again
Turning you blood into puss
And you body to a corpse
Plucking out your eyes...Ripping your wings

Fallen long ago
I will again rise
The spear into my side
It will rain my blood forever

:: WishKiller 12:29 AM [+] ::
:: Monday, April 28, 2003 ::
Alchemical High

Black sky looming above
Lightning cracking the visage of black silk
Thunder collapsing the silence of the night
Cold rain falls flooding the delicate petals

Witnessing the destruction of life on a minor scale
Realizing the world is ever so small
Dying and going to hell
Just like me

In this ethereal arena...i fight
To hold on to the final scraps of reality
I think if i lose....the world will keep turning
In this circle of fire...i hate

Like the clouds i will fade and become invisible
Forever here i will gaze upon this plateau of everything
This is too much to grasp
On chemicals i will escape

Mercury flowing through my veins
Heavy and cold as my thoughts
Lead surrounding this heavy heart
leaching the health....Making .....Me

On this high i will rely
Cyanide and nightshade
Beautiful smoke ....Dark and deadly...Smelling of the Sky
Hard to see through...Just like the acidic rainbow

strychnine and alcohol
Helping my vision
Seeing life clearer than ever before
Five feet ahead is the void....i tried to ignore

Now this storm..Of me
life's blood cold and pouring down
Metallic and sour...
This lightning...like the flash of my life before the light fades

Thunder sounding of a never again beating heart
The sky is perfectly black now...so cold...So cold
Feeling at ease finally after all these years
Thanks to this.........Alchemical High

:: WishKiller 9:54 PM [+] ::

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