:: The Glass Cross...Shattered ::

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:: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 ::

Dying Again

As this chapter of time closes
I realize nothing is real
Denied everything i need
It will soon be ok....Dying again

Gone is the old me
He died and was cremated
Ashes scattered
Fueling the machine

Mournful of the life i left behind
Soulless and vengeful
Never resting like you do
I want this

In a void i was perfect
Nothing but the loss of myself
Forever watching myself die
Never breathing....the why cant it be again?
Alone in my cell
I am rotting
Mind dissolving into nothingness
I carry this burden...i just sit and stare

I can't help i am mental
erratic in my thoughts
Can't fear,Can't love and i can't die...again

Cast out like a disease
Look into my eyes...What do you see???
Destruction of innocence....I am gone forever

Too bad you never knew me
You would have liked him
Too bad i never met you
I really would have loved to ...I'm sorry

Never really lived
I needed to
You are to kind all of you
Let me die again (in peace)

Awake in this nightmare
Running away from myself
Away so long
Don't ever miss me

I am dying again
Like i did so long ago
But now i really don't have a reason to stay
I am lost

Dead in this world
Why can you see me?
I want you to go away
You are too involved in this

I never wanted to be here
I went away
And now i am here again
Please let me go this time

Let go of the love and the trust
It will mean nothing soon
Misguided and deceived
I am not a permanent fixture in your life....Let go of this

Why do you want me here?
I am just a shell of a man i used to be
Why do you love me?
I will soon go away...For the final time

Do you pray for me?
To god to make me see?
I am not even here
I am in misery

Scar me so i can remember you
Unleash your hate on me
I want to feel your pain
I will bleed for you all

After i am gone how will you remember me?
The hell i put you through?
Kill me...It will be easy for us all
Wasted life....A burden to all

Have you ever wondered why i can't smile
I lost my life long ago
Dead inside
At least a little....Thrown away

There is no place i can hide
Nowhere to go
And nothing more to see
I need this....To just run away

I lost it all
I lost you
I wouldn't say you will lose me
Because there is nothing to lose

Please turn away
I can't bear the pain inside
You are all i have in this small world
Never seeing i am dead....inside

It happened
No one was there
It is happening again
So go away


:: WishKiller 8:43 PM [+] ::

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