:: The Glass Cross...Shattered ::

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:: Friday, August 15, 2003 ::

My Sanity

Locked away in my cage
Trapped...no locks...no door
No way to get out...
And no way to join me in my regret

After this life is gone
Who knows what will happen
Ascending into the blue.
Crumbling into dust

My life is an orb
Forever rolling Catskill
Or is it just setting still?..Dark and cold
No colors...Just prismatic pain..The sky is turning gray

In this cage i can not breathe
The walls decaying
Can't break them down
Will i survive?

Can't find my way..
Where am i?...
This world so hateful

No road signs...
My cage has crumbled
No sentence can describe this
Pulling my mind apart.....Lock me up again..

After the storm
The black liquid flows
Metallic and Smelling of burning saffron
What is this?...Death?

This is a curse
Holocaust on a greater scale
Forever growing....
Seeing no end..

I can't see
Minds eye closed
Can't speak...Lying down and bleeding
No feelings....forever growing insane

Nothing i found is real
The tree of knowledge burned to the ground..
All that is left here is the ashes of the gods
Here i remain to behold the end of it all.....Again

:: WishKiller 12:21 AM [+] ::

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