:: The Glass Cross...Shattered ::

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:: Sunday, August 31, 2003 ::

She's Dead......Another nameless Corpse...Sweet Jane Doe

In an absence of time
Alone in her room
She waits
I think she may be sick

Looking aimlessly into the mirror
She cries
painful memories
I don't feel she cares anymore

On her table lies her head
Puddle of tears
She never rests

Wine and red roses
Candles long since burned away
Perfume and dust
So lost So hurt

No way to make this up
Lost and broken
Her heart....So broken

At the window
Holding on to hope
No solace
This could have been avoided

Looking out into the night sky
Looking for her piece of mind
No visitor on this night

She let him in without knowing
Tall and pale
No expressions
Like he was there for a reason

The talked the night away
Tells of love and timeless romance
Her romeo,,,Her love,,,Her savior
Like a fairytale he wished her away...

On a pale horse
Like lady godiva
Never finding her love that night
She only bears the mark of the scythe and a broken heart

I,m Sorry....I Couldn't Make it

:: WishKiller 2:15 AM [+] ::

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