:: The Glass Cross...Shattered ::

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:: Thursday, October 09, 2003 ::

Your God

Your god....Does he feel pain?
I heard the loss of a child is unbearable
Holy father of earth
Greater the loss...Is unknown

Looking for a scapegoat
He found his son
Needless example of cruelty
He was blood relation.....What about us?

Forgiveness is very hard
Hate is easy
Fury and wrath
smitten down.... Casualty of years forgotten

Oh father...Where art thou?
I am a sinner
And i know no fear...
Damn me like your disciples...And i crucify thee

The soul i bear is my own
The cross i bear is my own
The life i lead is my own
The scars i bear belong to you

Your god..Does he forgive me?
Your god....Does he Protect me?
Your god....Does he love me?
Your god...He does hate me!

Crying...Where you?
The Gun in my mouth.....Was your arm around me?
I never wanted anything
until you left me....

Your god.....Sits up high
He watches us like ants
We wage war....Filling his rivals domain
All powerful....To lazy to lend a hand

Your god..Does he forgive me?
Your god....Does he Protect me?
Your god....Does he love me?
Your god...He does hate me!

Crying...Where you?
The Gun in my mouth.....Was your arm around me?
I never wanted anything
until you left me....

Your god....Creates a religion
Says everyone is doomed
Leading wars against the (Unholy)
Slaughtering everyone that disagrees

Your god!
Your god!
Your god!
Your god????

:: WishKiller 9:51 PM [+] ::

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