:: The Glass Cross...Shattered ::

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:: Thursday, October 23, 2003 ::

In the Belly Of Angels

In the valley of souls
Beneath the crust fear
Pain flows freely
The end of salvation

The stars above so cold
Hate falls from the sky
Thy rod is broken
And the staff impales me

Hold my hand
Lead me through this
Molten oceans
poisonous rain dissolves me

No sand left for my footprints
I fade away
Black lightning strikes
Blinding me.....I can't find my way

All i feel is....
I hate...
Born Into....
The belly of angels...I tear away

Married to this earth
In the glory of god
I am devoured
Death in the eyes of these angels

Putrid Wings rusting away
In the absence of never ending time
I die
Born of this diseased earth

The belly growing colossal
My agony
Never fading
Like my god before me

In the tomb of Malefaction
There is salvation
For the chosen one
I die

In the scrolls of Time
There are lies
I bleed
I die for you

Alone in this room
Red curtains fall
Midwives frantic
For the afterbirth.....Of tainted angels

:: WishKiller 2:27 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, October 09, 2003 ::
Your God

Your god....Does he feel pain?
I heard the loss of a child is unbearable
Holy father of earth
Greater the loss...Is unknown

Looking for a scapegoat
He found his son
Needless example of cruelty
He was blood relation.....What about us?

Forgiveness is very hard
Hate is easy
Fury and wrath
smitten down.... Casualty of years forgotten

Oh father...Where art thou?
I am a sinner
And i know no fear...
Damn me like your disciples...And i crucify thee

The soul i bear is my own
The cross i bear is my own
The life i lead is my own
The scars i bear belong to you

Your god..Does he forgive me?
Your god....Does he Protect me?
Your god....Does he love me?
Your god...He does hate me!

Crying...Where you?
The Gun in my mouth.....Was your arm around me?
I never wanted anything
until you left me....

Your god.....Sits up high
He watches us like ants
We wage war....Filling his rivals domain
All powerful....To lazy to lend a hand

Your god..Does he forgive me?
Your god....Does he Protect me?
Your god....Does he love me?
Your god...He does hate me!

Crying...Where you?
The Gun in my mouth.....Was your arm around me?
I never wanted anything
until you left me....

Your god....Creates a religion
Says everyone is doomed
Leading wars against the (Unholy)
Slaughtering everyone that disagrees

Your god!
Your god!
Your god!
Your god????

:: WishKiller 9:51 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, August 31, 2003 ::
She's Dead......Another nameless Corpse...Sweet Jane Doe

In an absence of time
Alone in her room
She waits
I think she may be sick

Looking aimlessly into the mirror
She cries
painful memories
I don't feel she cares anymore

On her table lies her head
Puddle of tears
She never rests

Wine and red roses
Candles long since burned away
Perfume and dust
So lost So hurt

No way to make this up
Lost and broken
Her heart....So broken

At the window
Holding on to hope
No solace
This could have been avoided

Looking out into the night sky
Looking for her piece of mind
No visitor on this night

She let him in without knowing
Tall and pale
No expressions
Like he was there for a reason

The talked the night away
Tells of love and timeless romance
Her romeo,,,Her love,,,Her savior
Like a fairytale he wished her away...

On a pale horse
Like lady godiva
Never finding her love that night
She only bears the mark of the scythe and a broken heart

I,m Sorry....I Couldn't Make it

:: WishKiller 2:15 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, August 28, 2003 ::
I Remember You Bleeding

I feel this has to end
Funeral processions
All the down time
Between living my life and Dying inside

How many times must i bleed to prove this
I hear your song
Feel you slipping away
But i still live on

How many worlds must i cross to find you
Weaving the darkness into strands of time
My hands stained by the constant digging the graves
These graves are the ones i dug for you

Your blood in my veins..
On my hands
Although it's over now
The blood of loss

I had nothing to do with your departure
Though i needed to go with you
Can't cry....Blistered eyes..
Going to that place where we once stood our ground

I wish you didn't take them away
Only wish it was you or i
Why was it you?
Why was it me?

Dwelling on the subject won't bring you here
Its simple how i forget
To drive myself away
The calling i never answered

Here i am
One of no faith
The perfect flaw
The one lie i never took back

Why did you hold that gun?
Took those pills?
Got in that car or behind the wheel
Pulling the trigger..Swallowing the pills...Driving away?

Never did i know
Should have seen it....Seen you one last time
I would have died for you.....
All i have left are these goddamned nail scars!

:: WishKiller 1:20 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, August 15, 2003 ::
My Sanity

Locked away in my cage
Trapped...no locks...no door
No way to get out...
And no way to join me in my regret

After this life is gone
Who knows what will happen
Ascending into the blue.
Crumbling into dust

My life is an orb
Forever rolling Catskill
Or is it just setting still?..Dark and cold
No colors...Just prismatic pain..The sky is turning gray

In this cage i can not breathe
The walls decaying
Can't break them down
Will i survive?

Can't find my way..
Where am i?...
This world so hateful

No road signs...
My cage has crumbled
No sentence can describe this
Pulling my mind apart.....Lock me up again..

After the storm
The black liquid flows
Metallic and Smelling of burning saffron
What is this?...Death?

This is a curse
Holocaust on a greater scale
Forever growing....
Seeing no end..

I can't see
Minds eye closed
Can't speak...Lying down and bleeding
No feelings....forever growing insane

Nothing i found is real
The tree of knowledge burned to the ground..
All that is left here is the ashes of the gods
Here i remain to behold the end of it all.....Again

:: WishKiller 12:21 AM [+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 ::
Dying Again

As this chapter of time closes
I realize nothing is real
Denied everything i need
It will soon be ok....Dying again

Gone is the old me
He died and was cremated
Ashes scattered
Fueling the machine

Mournful of the life i left behind
Soulless and vengeful
Never resting like you do
I want this

In a void i was perfect
Nothing but the loss of myself
Forever watching myself die
Never breathing....the why cant it be again?
Alone in my cell
I am rotting
Mind dissolving into nothingness
I carry this burden...i just sit and stare

I can't help i am mental
erratic in my thoughts
Can't fear,Can't love and i can't die...again

Cast out like a disease
Look into my eyes...What do you see???
Destruction of innocence....I am gone forever

Too bad you never knew me
You would have liked him
Too bad i never met you
I really would have loved to ...I'm sorry

Never really lived
I needed to
You are to kind all of you
Let me die again (in peace)

Awake in this nightmare
Running away from myself
Away so long
Don't ever miss me

I am dying again
Like i did so long ago
But now i really don't have a reason to stay
I am lost

Dead in this world
Why can you see me?
I want you to go away
You are too involved in this

I never wanted to be here
I went away
And now i am here again
Please let me go this time

Let go of the love and the trust
It will mean nothing soon
Misguided and deceived
I am not a permanent fixture in your life....Let go of this

Why do you want me here?
I am just a shell of a man i used to be
Why do you love me?
I will soon go away...For the final time

Do you pray for me?
To god to make me see?
I am not even here
I am in misery

Scar me so i can remember you
Unleash your hate on me
I want to feel your pain
I will bleed for you all

After i am gone how will you remember me?
The hell i put you through?
Kill me...It will be easy for us all
Wasted life....A burden to all

Have you ever wondered why i can't smile
I lost my life long ago
Dead inside
At least a little....Thrown away

There is no place i can hide
Nowhere to go
And nothing more to see
I need this....To just run away

I lost it all
I lost you
I wouldn't say you will lose me
Because there is nothing to lose

Please turn away
I can't bear the pain inside
You are all i have in this small world
Never seeing i am dead....inside

It happened
No one was there
It is happening again
So go away


:: WishKiller 8:43 PM [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 ::
Reasons And Lies

Why couldn't you stay
I hung on as long as i could
Countless days i waited ..nothing
Never needed anything....Now I'm gone

Reasons i never made for sure
Lies i told you to ease the pain
Nothing i ever did was for us
I am the one who walked away

Believe in me i always said
Need me to be your hero
I am the only way
This cast off skin....I burn

Only to show my true form
Risen again to lie to you
To hate you
From the cradle to the grave....back again

The book i wrote
The blood of the prophets
And the virgin flesh
Bound with lies

Put all you faith in me
I will never let you down
Cure your illness
Break your spine

Gone are the days of old
resurrect the demons
Blind the leper
Falling from the heavens....Like the brimstone that burns the soul

Goodnight and dream well
For this is the last time
You never needed me
Forsaken for eternity

I will never forgive again
Turning you blood into puss
And you body to a corpse
Plucking out your eyes...Ripping your wings

Fallen long ago
I will again rise
The spear into my side
It will rain my blood forever

:: WishKiller 12:29 AM [+] ::

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